This week TermTerm will be officially presented to the international community during the tekom Annual Meeting 2013 in Wiesbaden (Germany) by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, TermNet’s 1st Vice-President.
TermTerm is a freely accessible multilingual terminological database with the terminology of terminology.
The TermTerm database provides free access to:
- the central concepts of terminology work
- terms in several languages
- definitions from relevant terminology standard
Languages and contents (as of May 2013):
- German: approx. 1350 terms
- English: approx. 1900 terms
- French: approx. 950 terms
- Greek: approx. 1100 terms
- Total: approx. 1600 entries
Members of the TermTerm consortium are:
- Diana Brändle, dbterm terminologieservice (Germany)
- Petra Dutz, SDL plc (UK)
- Klaus Fleischmann, Kaleidoscope GmbH (Austria)
- Stefan Gentz, TRACOM OHG (Germany)
- Hans Picht, Document Service Center GmbH (Germany)
- Matilda Soare, Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Gabriele Sauberer, International Network for Terminology – TermNet (Austria)
- Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Wolfgang Zenk, @-mind (Germany)
Read more about the TermTerm project at:
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