We are very pleased to announce this call for abstracts for the DanTermBank Workshop ‘Revealing hidden knowledge’, which is held Friday, January 9, 2015 Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg, DSV052, and organized by the DanTermBank research team at the Dept. of International Business Communication.
TOPICS: Automatic methods for: knowledge extraction, ontology construction and ontology validation.
The workshop will comprise a keynote speech and two sessions:
-From text to ontology (morning session)
-Ontology validation (afternoon session)
Presentation: Please submit a max. 1 page abstract + references.
Presentations will be given 25 minutes each.
Please send your abstract and your affiliation to Bodil Nistrup Madsen, bnm.ibc@cbs.dk.
* Submission deadline for abstracts: November 30, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: December 5, 2014
* Workshop registration: October 20 – December 12, 2014, https://sf.cbs.dk/dtb_uk/events2/closing_conference.
Registration is mandatory. Participation in the workshop (including lunch) is free of charge. Costs for travelling and accommodation are at the participants’ own expense.
DanTermBank: The aim of the DanTermBank project is to develop methods for automatic knowledge extraction, automatic construction and updating of ontologies, automatic merging of terminological data from various existing sources, as well as methods for target group oriented knowledge dissemination. The research carried out in the project is a prerequisite for establishing a national Danish term bank which can ensure development and quality of Danish LSP. See more at DanTermBank. The project is funded by the VELUX FOUNDATION.
Fuente: Bodil Nistrup Madsen Head of Centre DANTERM
bnm.ibc@cbs.dk, bnm.danterm@cbs.dk
Copenhagen Business School | Dalgas Have 15, 2Ø.084 | DK-2000 Frederiksberg